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Open tabs - honestly  about the costs and  our work. In case you are wondering why good tattoos are so expensive.

You pay for artist experience / skill level

When you get a tattoo, you are paying for the skills and  craftsmanship of the craft – just like any other craftsmanship or services. You pay for the years of learning and  improving our profession. It is a lifestyle we committed to provide the highest quality that will last for lifetime.

Seting up a tattoo shop wont make you an artist! We spend many years training as apprentices and  helpers. Real artists practice their craft for years, often taking money only for materials. Thus, the time we spent on expertising  our skills, have crucial influence on the prices. Note that experienced tattoo artists often have higher prices than others who is just starting out in the industry. Appreciate the work of experienced artists, it mobilizes us!

Be adwised, tattoo last with you for years, and it is not temporary. A good example is lash enhancement, in  a price of normal tattoo or even higher. We do not demonize Eyelashes artist, but it is a perfect example that it is worth paying more for a real tattoo that will stay with  you for lifetime. Remember you sit on sessions long hours. Depending on the design, our work can take a lot of time. Think of it as an investment. Bargaining with your tattoo artist is simply rude.

2. You also pay for the time consumed during preparation of the your design.

An important reason why the price of your tattoo is high, is that the artist has to spend a lot of time working on the individual design of your pattern. Even if the tattoo is made of free-hand directly on your skin, the artist probably spent a lot of time inventing all details and motifs that suit you, as well as the placement of the tattoo.

So, you will pay not only for the time to get tattooed, but also for the entire process of your dream pattern.

3. Size and  complexity

This example is perhaps the most obvious, isn’t it? The larger the size of the pattern, the higher the price, there is also space on the body and complexity.

For example, a tattoo created in  hard areas, equals  higher costs. Places such as the neck and ribs will take a long time. Remember that the price is also influenced by the color of the ink. If the tattoo is colorful, the price will change. The more pigments, the higher the cost of orders and the more time we need to spend on creating your tattoo!

Main cost differences, depends on amount of details in the tattoo. Sometimes making a hyper-realistic pattern will be more expensive than in  the case of minimalism. The same goes with super intricate tattoos of other styles, that require tons of time to complete all details. So the amount of time, detail and  complexity all play a role in getting your tattoo valued.

4. Costs of running the  shop - legal work!

These are  the things most clients don’t think. For instance, the rent and running costs are based  on local market prices. With inflation increasing rental prices year by year – no wonder prices are increasing like hell.

Another factor beyond the control of the thread are insurance and  tax rates. Tattooing is a high-risk industry, an artist operating legally pays extra cash for it or a the tattoo shop  pays it and includes it in  their earnings.

Whether it takes 10 minutes or an hour to get the tattoo done, the same materials are needed to get the tattoo  done and to disinfect the equipment before and  after. The needles are disposable. Vegan or organic ink can cost more than others. Tattoos are covered with a dressing, so you can consider the cost of gauze, creams, tape,  and any other materials used. Some studios offer a care soap or cream, which is included in the total cost. Otherwise , you can buy them on your own. This also affects the minimum tattoo prices.

Almost all tattoos start with a reserve price, set individually by the studio or artist. Each tattoo parlor is different, but if they have a minimum, they usually range from 100 to 200 PLN.

5. Conclusion

Remember that we operate legally, running a business and paying taxes like any  other business.

The cost of repairing it is more expensive than the tattoo itself. It is worth spending a bit more in a professional studio.

If for some reason the studio rates suspiciously low – think about the catch. Unless there is a promotion currently being carried out due to the resignation of a quick deadline. Sometimes our customers are incapable  to come in during the tattoo day, if this happen we inform all  other clients about that.

Remember that we spend money on cars, bags and  clothes. By investing  in a tattoo – you invest in something that will last much longer.

So if you want your dream tattoo – give yourself a bit more time collecting funds. In  the meantime, do your research, find out the costs, talk to your tattoo artist, determine the design, place on the body and price. Why? Because beautiful tattoos are worth the wait and the price.